Revolutionizing Health & Wellness: Duneland Family YMCA Breaks Ground on Innovative Healthy Living Campus With Million Dollar Support From READI2.0

On Tuesday, September 10th, the bleachers surrounding the old football field located at 651 W Morgan Avenue in Chesterton found themselves filled for one last event. Community members of all ages and walks of life, elected officials, and Duneland Family YMCA staff gathered to witness the historic groundbreaking event for the new Duneland Family YMCA Healthy Living Campus. This ambitious and innovative project, which will see both adaptive reuse of the former high school and middle school property as well as new construction, is set to reimagine the concept of community wellness. “Today’s groundbreaking ceremony symbolizes more than just the start of a new building; it marks the beginning of a brighter future for our community,” said Duneland Family YMCA CEO Dave Kasarda. “This YMCA will be a beacon of hope and a hub of opportunity, fostering growth, unity, and wellness for every individual we serve. Each shovel of earth turned is a step toward enriching lives and strengthening our community fabric.”

Joining YMCA speakers at the event were representatives from the Duneland School Corporation, the Duneland Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland Cliffs, Berglund Construction, Moake Park, and elected town and state officials who have expressed their excitement and support of the project. Also throwing their support towards the in-depth, phased project is the Indiana Economic Development Corporation, who have recognized the Duneland Family YMCA Healthy Living Campus as the first project in Northwest Indiana to benefit from being awarded READI2.0 funds, which were allocated by the governor’s office to accelerate shovel-ready projects that will transform communities while improving their quality of life. The Duneland Family YMCA is ecstatic to receive a one-million-dollar grant award while being the first in the region to receive such crucial support to bolster the project. “Support from the IEDC and READI 2.0 funding is crucial to the Duneland Family YMCA Healthy Living Campus as it empowers us to expand our programs and services, ensuring that we can continue to meet the evolving health and wellness needs of our community,” said Kasarda. “This investment supports innovative approaches to healthy living, strengthens our capacity for outreach, and allows us to create a more inclusive environment where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.”

Duneland Family YMCA CEO, Dave Kasarda, Addresses Attendees at the Duneland YMCA Healthy Living Campus Ground Breaking Ceremony

Having long outgrown the current Duneland Family YMCA site, the new campus will repurpose portions the existing 225,000-square-foot building, with future new construction adding to a planned total 105,000 square-foot facility, which will allow for expanded YMCA programming as well as the inclusion of collocated partners focusing on health, early childhood education, the arts and environment: making this first-of-its-kind YMCA so much more than just a gym. Additionally, the 20-acre community park, sponsored by Cleveland Cliffs, will be open daily to the public. These new features and wealth of opportunities are set to increase not only traffic to the YMCA and their partners, but also to small businesses in the greater Duneland community as well. “This groundbreaking represents a significant step towards the Y’s part in the strengthening our community, fostering economic growth, and deepening our commitment of stewardship and connection within the Duneland Community,” said Chairman of the Duneland YMCA, Jim Trout. “The board and I are thrilled to be part of something that will leave a lasting and positive impact for generations to come.”

Local contractor Berglund Construction will oversee the project. Kasarda has referred to the project as a marathon, not a sprint, and it is important to note that select YMCA programming has been and will continue to safely take place on the new campus during the construction phases. “Today is a historic day in Northwest Indiana as we break ground on the Healthy Living Campus,” said President, Building Division and Chief Growth Officer, Berglund Construction Jeff Berglund. “We are proud to be the construction manager of this innovative development. We value our close partnership with the Duneland YMCA and will work alongside the Y to ensure the community is brought along through the construction process. We look forward to a safe and productive project.”

With the groundbreaking officially underway, the YMCA continues to actively work towards garnering additional support via the YHLC Community Campaign. Those interested in pledging their support and/or keeping up to date with progress at the campus can visit

Caring in Action: The Chamberlain Family’s Vision for a More Generous Future

Pictured From Left: Elizabeth Adcock with daughters Madeline and Emelia Marks (front), Staci and Mark Chamberlain, Leslie and daughter Frankie Havner, Taylor Chamberlain

As the Duneland Family YMCA prepares to break ground at the new YMCA Healthy Living Campus on Tuesday, September 10th, the organization is thrilled to announce the generous donation from Mr. and Mrs. Mark & Staci Chamberlain and family towards the project. Capital Campaign Chair Mark said that contributing financially to this project in the heart of downtown Chesterton was an easy decision. “When I started my business here in this community in 2001, the people here lifted me up and supported me, which supported my family then and still does today,” recalled Mark. “Their support allowed for my business and family to flourish so giving back is repaying that debt. That and I truly believe giving back where you can is a duty we can all take part in.”

Strengthening Community Ties: Duneland Family YMCA, Berglund Construction Meet With Healthy Living Campus Neighbors to Provide Site Updates

On Tuesday, August 27th, the Duneland Family YMCA was joined by the team from Berglund Construction at the site of the new YMCA Healthy Living Campus to meet with neighbors and other local community members to give site updates and answer current questions and concerns. Approximately 60 community members filled the room to listen to a presentation from Duneland Family YMCA CEO Dave Kasarda regarding a general overview of the campus plan and goals, followed by construction phase updates from President, Building Division and Chief Growth Officer, Berglund Construction Jeff Berglund, and his team. Noting the turnout, Berglund said, “The crowd size here reflects the community’s excitement for the project and what it is going to mean for Duneland.”

Kasarda began by explaining that as the groundbreaking and demolition phases are imminent, starting on Tuesday, September 10th, ongoing programming at 651 W. Morgan Avenue will continue throughout the construction process. “You’ve likely seen activities already taking place at the campus, soccer, t-ball, flag football, and that will continue this fall,” ensured Kasarda. “Pool activities, both our programming and the Duneland Youth Swim Club, will be able to continue as normal as well.” In addition to Y programming taking place at the new campus during construction phases, Kasarda also was happy to announce that many of the partnerships the Duneland School Corporation had with other local youth organizations, such as Pop Warner Cheerleading and lacrosse, will be maintained and active on campus this fall also. Kasarda wrapped his introductory portion of the evening stating that the YMCA will remain at 215 Roosevelt Street as well until all the organization’s services can be moved and housed under one roof. “At that time our Board of Directors will decide what happens to the current Y site,” reported Kasarda. “They will decide what is the best for the organization.”

Kasarda then turned the floor over to the team from Berglund Construction, who will be overseeing the demolition and construction phases at the YHLC. Duneland native Berglund made a point to emphasize to the neighbors and community members present that this project is of utmost importance not only professionally, but personally as well. “We want to be very thoughtful about this project,” said Berglund. “I’m from here, I live here now with my family, and so this isn’t just another project for us it’s personal.”

A Closer Look at Demolitions


Once the floor was open to the public, Kasarda and Berglund acknowledged and addressed the following concerns:

  • A resident was concerned about whether sidewalks around the site would be closed during construction because of the number of daily walkers. Kasarda reported yes, sidewalks would need to be closed for safety during construction with walkers being safely diverted across the street to other sidewalks. The team reported they would talk with the Town of Chesterton, who oversees the detour sidewalks that the resident deemed unsafe and try to level out via grinding if feasible. A second resident piggybacked off this concern asking if the track would remain open during demolition and construction, which Kasarda said it would be until the very end of those phases, because that could be a safe walking alternative for residents.
  • Dog dropping concerns from a resident, if walkers diverted away from the current stations onsite. Kasarda said that while he hopes people are encouraged to be responsible with their pets, the Y cannot police them.
  • Campus neighbor voiced concerns about parking, specifically along Morgan in front of her house. Berglund assured the resident that during construction workers will park inside the fenced off area and not on the roads. He went on to explain that the eventual new, larger parking lot put in by the Y will help with parking in the long run for residents as visitors won’t have any need to park on the street. Later, a second resident asked if they foresee the need for a parking garage because of the increased traffic coming to the campus, but again Berglund said his team is confident with their calculations for the parking lot size and the Y has no plans to build such a structure.
  • Another resident asked if there are future plans for an outdoor pool on campus. Kasarda said he would not recommend such an addition to the Board of Directors because it is simply too expensive for the non-profit to justify for the 10-week period the outdoor pool can be open. In recent years, the pool at 215 Roosevelt Street was only operational approximately 40 days out of the 70 days open because of the weather. He went on to explain that the current indoor pool will remain chlorinated, not salt water as a resident inquired about, and will remain at one controlled temperature.
  • A member was concerned about spikes in fees as Y transitions to new location. Kasarda explained that the organization has no intention of implementing drastic rate changes. “We aren’t looking to increase rates to cover this, and we aren’t looking to go into debt with this, which is why we are tackling it in phases.”
  • A community member asked if the Y had any plans for those who would want a piece of history from the former Chesterton High School, such as the bricks that the Yost PTO had available. Kasarda reported that, “The Duneland School Corporation has been diligent to go through and do their best to preserve the important historical items and you will see the new entry here at the Y will reflect that Chesterton High School was here.”
  • Someone is the audience asked for clarification on what an “airnasium” is. Kasarda explained that is a structure sturdier than a typical park structure with concrete flooring, restrooms, and a kitchen. The Y envisions that it will be used for camps, classes, concerts, family reunions, etc.
  • An inquiry was made about updating sidewalks and streets around the YHLC for better traffic flow and management. Kasarda and Berglund both spoke on the subject of connecting local trails to the campus as well as working with the Duneland Chamber to best direct traffic back into downtown to benefit local small businesses. Both noted that the Town of Chesterton and their parks department have been collaborating on such logistics regularly during the Y’s planning phases, with board member Elizabeth Adcock, who was in the audience, stating that they were doing their best to get through red tape in order to secure safe passage to the campus for all, especially the local youth.
  • The last community concern of the night was from a resident asking what happens to the large-scale project when the money runs dry? Kasarda replied that, “This is a marathon, which will take several years to complete, and we ask for your patience and support.” Reiterating that the project will take place in phases to ensure successful completion, Berglund stated, “Spring of 2025 we will have an enclosed building, parking lot, green space including the Cleveland Cliffs Park. We will not be leaving you with a hole in the ground.”

In wrapping the evening, Kasarda thanked the audience for their time and input at the meeting while encouraging them to remain involved via social media, the YHLC website, and by participating in the Community Campaign is so inclined. “Every gift counts,” said Kasarda. “Communities get stronger by supporting each other.” Those interested in supporting the YHLC Community Campaign and/or keeping up to date with progress at the campus can visit

Tee Off for a Cause: Duneland Family YMCA Teams up with Chesterton Duneland Kiwanis to Fundraise for Community Youth

Tee Off for a Cause: Duneland Family YMCA Teams up with Chesterton Duneland Kiwanis to Fundraise for Community Youth

The Duneland Family YMCA was joined Monday, August 12th, by the Chesterton Duneland Kiwanis to host their successful 10th annual golf outing at Sand Creek Country Club. Over the last decade, the two organizations have provided a philanthropic and fun day out of the office for local golf enthusiasts to tackle the course, network, and raise funds for a mutual worthy cause: the funding of local youth programming. “I am so pleased by the amazing support from both golfers and sponsors, for our 10th annual golf outing,” reported Dave Kasarda, Duneland Family YMCA CEO. “The proceeds from the YMCA and Kiwanis Golf Outing directly benefit our community by funding vital programs and services that foster youth development, promote healthy living, and support social responsibility. Through these efforts, we are able to make a lasting impact on the lives of individuals and families, ensuring a stronger, more connected community for all,” explained Kasarda.

Incoming Kiwanis president, Abigail Fahrenkrog, was equally ecstatic with the event’s turnout of 120 golfers. “I truly believe that the most important pillar of a community is the children and it’s wonderful that we can partner with the Y to provide for such amazing opportunities,” said Fahrenkrog.

The excitement of having some youth programming, such as camp this summer and ongoing aquatics activities, already underway at the new YMCA Healthy Living Campus (YHLC) was a topic of discussion amongst the event planners and participants alike. “There is absolutely joint excitement amongst the organizations for the YHLC and the programming possibilities for kids to come,” said Kiwanis member Tom Webb, who organizes the golf outing each year with Duneland Family YMCA CEO Dave Kasarda. “This is one of our favorite fundraisers to be a part of each year because it’s a great way help support youth causes while golfing at such a prestigious course,” explained Webb. “It’s really fun!”

Annual outing participant Nate Cobbs, who serves as Board President at Jacob’s Ladder Pediatric Rehabilitation, said that he was even more thrilled to attend the fundraiser this year as the YHLC planning continues forward. “On behalf of myself and Jacob’s Ladder I can say that we are over the moon,” exclaimed Cobbs. “I think the campus will be a game changer for all of us in Duneland. It will bring so many people and businesses together, just like this event does for so many of us each year!” While fellow longtime outing participant and YMCA supporter Mike Trout agreed with Cobbs that, “it’s a beautiful day with beautiful people for a beautiful cause, ”there is still a lively bit of competition taking place on the course. Securing victories in the longest drive male and female competitions were Zack Wellsand and Lori Tubbs, respectively. Of the 30 competing foursomes, the all male team of Aaron Adcock, Samuel Chumbley, Zach Lynk, and Peter Von Tobel won their category while the champion all female team consisted of Tricia Hall, Denise Carpenter, Shannon Wilder, and Ashley Nylen. Wellsand, who with his wife DeAnna chairs the YHLC Community Campaign, was a triple winner on the day also taking the co-ed and overall team titles partnering with his spouse and family members Jake Wellsand and Dan Perez.

Co-Ed Winners (from left to right) Jake Wellsand, Dan Perez, Zack Wellsand, and DeAnna Wellsand

At the Y, we believe that when we devote our full strength to our mission and cause, work in partnership with others, and build on our commitment to the children, families, and underserved people of Duneland, we can address the most pressing issues of our community unlike any other organization. The Healthy Living Campus is combining adaptive reuse and new construction to create a new community hub and park in the heart of Chesterton. With the inclusion of multiple non-profit and healthcare partners, we are building more than just a YMCA. The campus will be an innovative space fostering collaboration within a one-stop-shop capable of addressing a variety of community health and wellness needs.

Duneland YMCA Healthy Living Campus: A Community Project Worth Investing In


With select summer and aquatic programming already in full-swing at the new Duneland YMCA Healthy Living Campus, the YMCA is proud to introduce local business owners Zack and DeAnna Wellsand of Wellsand Landscaping & Hardscapes as the chairs of the Community Campaign supporting the project as it continues to move forward into fruition. “Zack and DeAnna are exceptional community leaders and I’m sure this will continue in their role as the chairs for our upcoming Community Campaign,” said Dave Kasarda, Duneland Family YMCA CEO. “Their unwavering commitment for Duneland, strategic vision, and ability to inspire others will be instrumental in driving this initiative forward. Under their guidance, the campaign will not only raise funds but will also strengthen community ties, ensuring a brighter and healthier future for all.” 

As a lifelong resident of Duneland and YMCA member, it was an easy decision for Zack to take on this role and champion the cause. “I definitely think the Healthy Living Campus will be the center of the town. Just the daily traffic of the campus alone will generate more exposure for local businesses,” explained Zack. “I’m most excited for the community to have access to all the amenities the campus will provide. This campus isn’t just for YMCA members, there are going to be several spaces inside and outside that are free for the community to come together.” 

The abundance of space and opportunities that Duneland YMCA Healthy Living Campus will provide piqued the interest of DeAnna as well when the family decided to invest their efforts in the project. “When I hear ‘Healthy Living Campus,’ it’s exciting to imagine how this project will function as a campus and not just a YMCA,” commented DeAnna. “The idea that Chesterton can be a forerunner to model to other communities what a healthy living campus actually is, has me excited for the possibilities that our YMCA will be the best in our region!”  

The Wellsands are hopeful that their involvement in this project will inspire those both at home and in the community to also invest as much as they’re able into the campaign. “We remind our kids that attitude and effort always matter.  How you take pride in yourself and your community matters,” explained DeAnna. “Agreeing to involve our family in this public campaign, we explained to our kids that drawing attention to the YMCA’s Healthy Living Campus and agreeing to help raise money was a benefit for our own family and our future. It’s exciting to show them the renderings and possibilities for our community’s future. It’s important for our kids to see us invest time and effort into a meaningful campaign that intends to improve the quality of life for all the people of Duneland.” 

Echoing his wife’s sentiments, Zack implores community members to consider the legacy everyone can leave to the next generations.“I think investing in this project is important for all of the kids growing up in this town,” said Zack. “There will be so many avenues for child development, physically, mentally and socially. It’s really important for kids to learn how to win and lose gracefully while giving maximum effort with a good attitude. Investing and creating the right spaces for leaders to teach and coach our kids how to be good humans is ultimately the best legacy a whole community could leave behind for generations to come.”

With varying levels of investment opportunities available, there are opportunities for everyone in the community to take ownership in the Duneland YMCA Healthy Living Campus development and leave their legacy or honor that of a loved one. Naming options range from grand scale items such as the gymnasium and wellness center to individual benches or trees found amongst the park grounds. To learn more about the development or give to this mission, visit  

The Community Campaign fundraising commences alongside the start of renovations by Berglund Construction on the campus. Throughout the months of July and August, interior enabling work will take place in preparation for demolition, which will begin this fall. “We are thrilled that this project is officially beginning,” said Jeff Berglund, President- Building Division, and Chief Growth Officer at Berglund Construction. “We are cognizant of the importance of this work not only for the Healthy Living Campus but also for Chesterton overall. We plan to work with the Duneland YMCA & Duneland School Corporation to be present and communicative throughout the entire process.” The interior enabling work is an internal process that will occur in areas of the building that are already vacated and will have minimal impact on neighbors and community members participating in activities at the site.

About the Y

The Y is one of the nation’s leading nonprofits, strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. Across the U.S., 2,700 Ys engage 21 million men, women, and children – regardless of age, income, or background – to nurture the potential of children and teens, improve the nation’s health and well-being, and provide opportunities to give back and support neighbors. Anchored in more than 10,000 communities, the Y has long-standing relationships and a physical presence not just to promise but to deliver lasting personal and social change. More information can be located at

About the Duneland YMCA Healthy Living Campus Project

At the Y, we believe that when we devote our full strength to our mission and cause, work in partnership with others, and build on our commitment to the children, families, and underserved people of Duneland, we can address the most pressing issues of our community unlike any other organization. The Healthy Living Campus is combining adaptive reuse and new construction to create a new community hub and park in the heart of Chesterton. With the inclusion of several non-profit and healthcare partners, we are building more than just a YMCA. The campus will be an innovative space fostering collaboration within a one-stop-shop capable of addressing a variety of community health and wellness needs. Learn more about this project at

Duneland Education Foundation Pledges Support for STEM Education with Generous Investment in the Duneland YMCA’s Healthy Living Campus

Duneland Education Foundation Pledges Support for STEM Education with Generous Investment in the Duneland YMCA’s Healthy Living Campus

Pictured (from left to right): Dave Kasarda, CEO of Duneland Family YMCA ; Abby Evans, secretary of DEF; Meg McCarel, executive Director of DEF ; John Kroft and Darlene Kittredge, founding board members of DEF ; Jim Trout, Chief Volunteer Officer of Duneland Family YMCA ; Elissa Dortmund, President of the Board of Directors of DEF

For Immediate Release – June 18, 2024 Press Release

As a long-standing non-profit staple in the Duneland community, the Duneland Family YMCA is elated to have strengthened its relationship with another local non-profit that is also continuously positively impacting our youth. The Duneland Education Foundation, founded in the mid-1980’s, has been steadily expanding upon their efforts to enhance the learning experiences for children in Duneland and their donation towards a STEM room at the new Healthy Living Campus is a significant move indeed. 

Noting their confidence that the YHLC will serve as a vibrant community center in the heart of downtown Chesterton, the foundation’s board of directors was excited to explore their possibilities to both benefit the masses while also honoring their founding members.

"As our foundation began discussing the possibility of donating to the YHLC, we wanted to make sure we chose something that would match our goal of enhancing educational experiences with the Duneland community. When the board learned of the opportunity to put our donation toward a STEM room, we never looked back!"

The foundation’s director, Meg McCarel, echoed Dortmund’s excitement in getting involved with the YHLC project as the foundation’s board expands upon their community works. “It is so exciting to work with this board,” exclaimed McCarel. “We are now more visible than ever before and are finding new, fun ways to help the students and teachers in our community.”


While the Duneland Family YMCA has offered a handful of engaging STEM related programs and activities over the years, the ability to have the space at the YHLC to build out a dedicated space for STEM will be a game-changer for Y programming. Stepping in to support this opportunity and make it happen was seemingly kismet for the foundation, who at their core seek out these types of moments to best benefit students and educators. “Being able to give Duneland youth a place to enhance their learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics is the perfect way to give back! I am incredibly excited to see this room in action and so proud of our foundation for making the decision to support this incredible project,” exclaimed Dortmund.


It goes without saying that as the Duneland Family YMCA continues to forge ahead with finalizing plans for the YHLC, these types of investments are undoubtedly appreciated and imperative to bring this first of its kind vision to light. “The philanthropic gift made by the Duneland Education Foundation to the Duneland YMCA’s Healthy Living Campus STEM classroom is a truly transformative investment in our community’s future,” said Dave Kasarda, Duneland Family YMCA CEO. “It not only enhances educational opportunities by providing vital resources for STEM learning but also empowers our youth to develop essential skills for tomorrow’s challenges. This contribution underscores their commitment to fostering innovation, education, and health, creating a brighter, more promising future for all.”


This announcement follows closely on the heels of the Duneland Family YMCA’s announcement of the extraordinary contribution from the Cleveland-Cliffs Foundation for a 20-acre public park on the YHLC campus. More information regarding this project and how to contribute to the capital campaign can be found at


About the Y

The Y is one of the nation’s leading nonprofits, strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. Across the U.S., 2,700 Ys engage 21 million men, women, and children – regardless of age, income, or background – to nurture the potential of children and teens, improve the nation’s health and well-being, and provide opportunities to give back and support neighbors. Anchored in more than 10,000 communities, the Y has long-standing relationships and a physical presence not just to promise but to deliver lasting personal and social change. More information can be located at


About the Duneland YMCA Healthy Living Campus Project

At the Y, we believe that when we devote our full strength to our mission and cause, work in partnership with others, and build on our commitment to the children, families, and underserved people of Duneland, we can address the most pressing issues of our community unlike any other organization. The Healthy Living Campus is combining adaptive reuse and new construction to create a new community hub and park in the heart of Chesterton. With the inclusion of several non-profit and healthcare partners, we are building more than just a YMCA. The campus will be an innovative space fostering collaboration within a one-stop-shop capable of addressing a variety of community health and wellness needs.

Duneland YMCA Healthy Living Campus Announces Investor for Community Park

Duneland YMCA Healthy Living Campus Announces Investor for Community Park

For Immediate Release – May 16, 2024 Press Release

The Duneland YMCA is thrilled to announce another investor in the new Healthy Living Campus development. The 20-acre park encompassed in the development will become Cleveland-Cliffs Community Park.

The new community park that will be part of the Healthy Living Campus is made possible with generous support from The Cleveland-Cliffs Foundation. This 20-acre park will be on the east side of the building, facing 8th street in between Morgan and Porter avenues, in downtown Chesterton.

The Cleveland-Cliffs Community Park will be open and accessible to all individuals. The park will feature walking paths, gardens, gathering space and elements to enhance environmental sustainability. The Healthy Living Campus boasts several non-profit partners, including Dunes Learning Center – the organization will contribute to the park planning to ensure the natural ecosystem mirrors that of the nearby Indiana Dunes National Park to create a cohesive system.


“This generous investment from one of our region’s most prominent corporations will have a lasting impact on both the Healthy Living Campus and Northwest Indiana,” said Dave Kasarda, Duneland YMCA CEO. “Cleveland-Cliffs’ dedication to creating an environmentally sustainable landmark here in Chesterton is notable and historic.”

Current projections show that the Healthy Living Campus will serve 1,500 visitors daily from seven counties across Northwest Indiana, as folks will come to utilize the services of the collocated partners. The Duneland YMCA believes that the Cleveland-Cliffs Community Park would attract at least 200 daily visitors, with upwards of 500 visitors during the warmer season. The park also includes an events pavilion endowed by the Dunbar Family Foundation, as was publicly announced in late 2023.


The Cleveland-Cliffs Foundation pledged to support the Duneland YMCA Healthy Living Campus and new community park. This project is combining adaptive reuse and new construction to create a vibrant and innovative community hub in the heart of Chesterton, Indiana. Cliffs’ support will enable the new park to be built and accessible to the entire community.


The 20-acre Cleveland-Cliffs Community Park will supplement the existing park space that the Town of Chesterton owns and operates on the west end of the development site. Together, these two parks will create ample green space surrounding the Healthy Living Campus.

This landmark investment is part of the Duneland YMCA’s capital campaign for the Healthy Living Campus. The capital campaign includes the costs of the demolition, adaptive reuse, new construction, and renovation costs for both the Duneland YMCA and the eight additional non-profit and healthcare partners who will have physical space in the Healthy Living Campus.


More information regarding this project and how to contribute to the capital campaign can be found at

About the Duneland YMCA Healthy Living Campus Project

At the Y, we believe that when we devote our full strength to our mission and cause, work in partnership with others, and build on our commitment to the children, families, and underserved people of Duneland, we can address the most pressing issues of our community unlike any other organization. The Healthy Living Campus is combining adaptive reuse and new construction to create a new community hub and park in the heart of Chesterton. With the inclusion of eight non-profit and healthcare partners, we are building more than just a YMCA. The campus will be an innovative space fostering collaboration within a one-stop-shop capable of addressing a variety of community health and wellness needs.


About the Y

The Y is one of the nation’s leading nonprofits, strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. Across the U.S., 2,700 Ys engage 21 million men, women, and children – regardless of age, income, or background – to nurture the potential of children and teens, improve the nation’s health and well-being, and provide opportunities to give back and support neighbors. Anchored in more than 10,000 communities, Y has long-standing relationships and a physical presence not just to promise but to deliver lasting personal and social change.


About Cleveland-Cliffs Inc.

Cleveland-Cliffs is the largest flat-rolled steel producer in North America. Founded in 1847 as a mine operator, Cliffs also is the largest manufacturer of iron ore pellets in North America. The Company is vertically integrated from mined raw materials, direct reduced iron, and ferrous scrap to primary steelmaking and downstream finishing, stamping, tooling, and tubing. Cleveland-Cliffs is the largest supplier of steel to the automotive industry in North America and serves a diverse range of other markets due to its comprehensive offering of flat-rolled steel products. Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, Cleveland-Cliffs employs approximately 28,000 people across its operations in the United States and Canada.

Duneland Y Receives Gift From The Forchetti Family For Early Childhood Education At New YMCA Healthy Living Campus​

Duneland Y Receives Gift From The Forchetti Family For Early Childhood Education At New YMCA Healthy Living Campus

For Immediate Release – April 8, 2024 Press Release

The Duneland Family YMCA is elated to announce a generous and unprecedented donation from Dr. and Mrs. John & Linnea Forchetti towards the capital campaign funding the YMCA Healthy Living Campus. Growing the legacy they’ve planted in the Duneland community at the Forchetti Family YMCA Center for Early Learning (located at 270 E Burdick Road), this gift will go toward the development of the early education space and programming at our new, first-of-its-kind community hub.


Deeply rooted in the Duneland community, the Forchetti’s raised their four children, Marci, Tony, Chrissy, and Derrick, in the same house they live in today. With the new YMCA Healthy Living Campus being just a short walk or bike ride down 5th Street from the family home, it would have served as a prime location for the Forchetti children growing up. “We’ve been involved with the Y forever, I remember I learned how to swim at the Y,” recalls Tony. “My dad played handball at the Y, it was just always an important place in my parents’ lives, in our family life.” Noting that although none of the siblings live locally today, the community that has long embraced the family is still ‘home’ to them all, and they are proud of the legacy their parents are establishing through their unwavering support to the YMCA and its mission.


Having helped launch and sustain the Forchetti Family YMCA Center for Early Learning with their selfless gifts since it opened in the Fall of 2020, the segway to propelling support towards the YMCA Healthy Living Campus was organic for Forchetti’s. Linnea said the family was inspired to invest in this new project because, “We think this is a wonderful concept and so much more than just a Y!” Hopeful that this project will ignite a spark in the community that ripples throughout the downtown area, Linnea went on to emphasize that, “The community has been so good to us, to our kids, that it is important for us to give back by investing in the Y.”


Lifelong advocates for those looking to better themselves through health, education, and wellness, the Forchetti family hopes their continued investment in the community will inspire others, both in Duneland and throughout the region, to do the same. “I was amazed at the classrooms already there when I went on a tour recently. The children were so happy and really thriving,” recounted Linnea. “John and I are blessed to be in the position to help, and we’re sure others will give as they’re able to as well. We better get these little ones going, with early education and the other great resources coming to this campus, because they’re going to be taking care of us someday.”


The YMCA is honored and proud of their working relationship with such a philanthropic family, and thanks the Forchetti family for their overwhelming confidence in the project’s overall vision and success. “While the Forchetti family’s philanthropic support may seem like a mere act of generosity, it’s much more profound,” explained Dave Kasarda, Duneland Family YMCA CEO. “Their investment in early childhood education and the Duneland Family YMCA is a testament to their vision for a brighter future. By nurturing young minds and fostering community through initiatives like these, they’re not just building structures; they’re constructing the foundation upon which our society’s greatest achievements will stand.”

This announcement comes just over one month since the Duneland Family YMCA announced their board’s overwhelming financial support of the YMCA Healthy Living Campus, totaling over half a million dollars. More information regarding this project and how to contribute to the capital campaign can be found at


About the Y

The Y is one of the nation’s leading nonprofits, strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. Across the U.S., 2,700 Ys engage 21 million men, women, and children – regardless of age, income, or background – to nurture the potential of children and teens, improve the nation’s health and well-being, and provide opportunities to give back and support neighbors. Anchored in more than 10,000 communities, the Y has long-standing relationships and a physical presence not just to promise but to deliver lasting personal and social change. More information can be located at


About the Duneland YMCA Healthy Living Campus Project

At the Y, we believe that when we devote our full strength to our mission and cause, work in partnership with others, and build on our commitment to the children, families, and underserved people of Duneland, we can address the most pressing issues of our community unlike any other

Duneland Y Boasts 100% Board of Directors Investments in New Healthy Living Campus Project, Totaling Over Half a Million Dollars

Duneland Y Boasts 100% Board of Directors Investments in New Healthy Living Campus Project, Totaling Over Half a Million Dollars

For Immediate Release – February 5, 2024 Press Release


The Duneland Family YMCA is thrilled to announce that the construction planning phase for the Healthy Living Campus project is underway and on schedule. Additionally, the capital campaign period is simultaneously in full-swing and gaining both momentum and the attention of local foundations and corporations.


Bolstered by the unwavering support of its board of directors, the capital campaign has seen 100 percent of the board pledge over half a million dollars, and counting, to this project. While the board, comprised of a diverse mix of local residents representing a wide range of industries and demographics, regularly contributes their time and expertise, this tremendous monetary support is an undeniable sign of a healthy non-profit initiative. Of their collective donation, a record size for Porter County non-profit organizations, Board President Jim Trout said, “I am deeply moved by the remarkable generosity demonstrated by our board of directors. I believe that their visionary contributions will undoubtedly inspire other investors to join us on this meaningful journey, fostering a ripple effect of philanthropy that will enhance our ability to create lasting, positive change in the lives of those we serve.”


The YMCA is proud of its board for leading the way and boldly displaying their confidence in the project’s overall vision and success. “I am immensely proud and grateful for the outstanding financial support we received from our board of directors,” said Dave Kasarda, Duneland Family YMCA CEO. “Their unwavering commitment to our mission has empowered us to reach new heights and make a lasting impact in our community. Together, we are building a stronger, healthier future for all. Their leadership exemplifies the true spirit of collaboration and shared values, as we look forward to achieving even greater milestones through the development of the YMCA Healthy Living Campus.”


This announcement comes one month after the Duneland Family YMCA announced the historic contribution from the Dunbar Family Foundation, which will enable the construction of an outdoor pavilion at the Healthy Living Campus. More information regarding this project and how to contribute to the capital campaign can be found at

2024 Indianapolis NBA All-Star Legacy Grant “Rising Stars”

CHS Student, Academic, and Community Leader Shines Bright at 2024 NBA All-Star with "Rising Stars" Grant

01.03.2023 Pacers v. Bucks

INDIANAPOLIS – The Indianapolis NBA All-Star 2024 Host Committee announced today they have awarded 24 members of the class of 2024 as Indianapolis NBA All-Star Rising Stars in association with the NBA All-Star Legacy Grants. This award includes a $2,400 scholarship for each Rising Star payable to the college, university, or postsecondary institution they attend after high school graduation.

When NBA All-Star was originally scheduled to be held in 2021, NBA All-Star Host Committee committed to completing 21 Legacy Grant projects and recognizing 21 deserving Rising Stars. Since moving to 2024, Legacy Grants of up to $50,000 have been awarded to three additional organizations, bringing the total Legacy Grant projects to 24.

In addition, each of the now 24 Legacy Grantees nominated high school-aged Rising Stars for their project. From those nominees, the Indianapolis NBA All-Star Legacy Committee, a subcommittee of the Host Committee, selected one Rising Star for each of the 24 Legacy Grants to receive this honor and scholarship.

“Recognizing 21 Rising Stars in 2021 for leadership in their schools and communities was extraordinary,” said Rick Fuson, NBA All-Star Board of Directors and Pacers Sports & Entertainment CEO. “We are honored to recognize 24 additional students as they are both a testament to their schools, selves, and communities and to the commitment of our Legacy Grantees to serving the youth in their communities.”

The NBA All-Star Legacy Grants focus on youth-serving nonprofit organizations across Indiana. The initiative provided 24 grants up to $50,000 for brick-and-mortar projects focused on health and wellness or education with an estimated impact on 90,000 youth statewide.

Duneland Family YMCA
Zoe Trakas, Chesterton High School (Chesterton, IN)

With a current cumulative grade point average of 4.6, dedicated athlete, and avid volunteer, Zoe Trakas is an exceptional member of the Chesterton High School community.

Zoe is a four-year team member and scholar athlete for the Chesterton High School golf team. In the community, she cleans the high school greenhouse, makes dog toys for local animal shelters, volunteers at the elementary school fun fair, and has helped with the American Heart Association walk set-up.

She is a participant in the International Baccalaureate program and loves any opportunity to travel aboard.

“Zoe is a quiet yet driven student,” said her nominator, Dave Kasarda. “She chose to enter the International Baccalaureate program as the curriculum prepares students for college and the emphasis on community service.”

You can find Zoe at the Sand Creek Country Club outside of school, working as a part-time golf attendant.